Nerdy Obsession and Language Acquisition

Yesterday I came across a Youtube video by a polyglot talking about having watched Into the Spider-verse fifty times in … More Nerdy Obsession and Language Acquisition

“Automatic Language Growth” and Reassessing My Methods

What is Automatic Language Growth (ALG)? Well, the term is one I’ve only just come across. After watching this video … More “Automatic Language Growth” and Reassessing My Methods

Lots of New Things!

Earlier this month I said I was temporarily switching my focus to Russian, to aide me with my Ukrainian, due … More Lots of New Things!

Language Family Stepping Stones

Today I had an epiphany about my process of trying to acquire Ukrainian with no former experience of another Slavic … More Language Family Stepping Stones

Learning to Read Ukrainian Through Songs

I hadn’t planned to start this new chapter of my acquisition journey by learning to read Ukrainian. I don’t think … More Learning to Read Ukrainian Through Songs

Where I Am With French

Although I’m setting the French aside for now, I wanted to post on where I got to before that point. … More Where I Am With French