French is Back in the Game!

It’s been quite a while since I realised I could acquire several languages at once as long as I was organised about it. (Still on a learning curve there!) But it was only last week that I re-introduced French into my regular schedule.

The reason? Accountability Hour!

Alice Ayel, my one-stop-shop resource for French input, has started an Accountability Hour on Mondays for members. I’m not brave enough yet to actually join the Zoom meeting, but I’ve now made it my time to sit down and do French for an hour.

I’ve found it more difficult to tackle French the same way I’ve been tackling Japanese and Spanish, which is watching a short video on a daily or twice-weekly-ish basis. I’m currently watching my way through the Infant Stage videos for Alice’s course, to provide the context for the audio recordings. But these videos are much longer than Comprehensible Japanese or Dreaming Spanish’s ones.

So, while I don’t have a dedicated time each day/week to tackle the others, for the moment I really do need that for French.

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