
“Becoming a Polyglot” is the blog of a fiction writer and language lover in the process of acquiring a new language (or several!).

I’m very much in favour of acquiring language naturally vs studying it as an academic subject. No grammar, no memorising vocabulary, no translation. I’m always happy to share my experience and fruits of many hours googling this subject, so feel free to reach out.

My current language routine consists of as much Spanish input as I can, a couple of minutes of Hungarian per day, and repeatedly watching Ratatouille in French. I’m taking a break from Russian and Japanese while I bring my Spanish/French level(s) up, and Ukrainian is waiting until I can understand more Russian. More details in my blog!

Posts will likely feature methods and input sources I have tried, various discoveries and milestones along the way, and my passion for language ‘quirks’. This is all from the perspective of a fiction nerd with cognitive disabilities.